June 30, 2012


Today a local club held a show and go and it gave me a chance to work on some Rally skills with Riley (yes Riley participated too!) and Grace. I wanted to work Grace in a new area and I just brought Riley along for fun, just to see how he would do.

Grace did great! Our weakest part seems to be the downs, but I loved her focus! Today was the first time she's seen a broad jump, so when I got to the jump, I set her up in front and called her over. Honestly, I half expected her to walk around it, but low and behold she did it! I think with some more practice, we have a good chance of earning her RA title come the Reliant show in July.

Riley, oh Riley! I was blown away with how well he did! I just brought him along to try it out and see what he did. We haven't really done any formal training in Rally, usually he just gets to do some moves after I work with Grace. Because I feel bad he didn't get any treats! So maybe along with agility, I will add Rally to his list of skills.

June 28, 2012

This and That

Last week my family came down from Washington to visit! It was so nice to see them! My brother is has decided to attend Texas A&M for college, as well as go into the Corps of Cadets program. I am so proud of him, plus I will have at least one member of my family with in driving distance.

In addition to my family visiting, we had more work done on the patio! I would say it is about 90% complete! It is looking so good and I cannot wait to have a cookout!

Not really much going on dog-wise. There is a Show-n-Go this weekend that I am taking both dogs too. Grace will be practicing Advanced Rally and Riley will try his hand in Novice Rally. I will try to get video of them both :)

Rebar installed

Rebar installed

Concrete is stamped! More color will be added later

I think Grace approves.
 And just to end on something cute, the other day the dogs got a bath and after their post bath zoomies outside, I took them inside, since they weren't going to get any dryer in this humidity. Well, Grace decided to dry herself off :) Enjoy

June 14, 2012

Update on stuff that's been going on

To be completely honest, I haven't really felt like blogging lately. Sad I know, but it just seems like my life is running in the fast lane lately and with that I haven't been doing a while lot with the dogs. We do our usual stuff and training when we can, but there just aren't enough hours in the day.

Just some of the stuff that is going on around here, are:

- We are getting a new patio (where the koi pond was) sometime within the next 2ish weeks.

New patio area

- We will be getting half our couch on Saturday. Why half you ask?..... Long story, but basically there is still one piece they are waiting on, which is just sitting in a warehouse ready to go, but it won't be here until the 25th......Sigh. So we said just deliver what you got, we have family coming into town, and we need something other then 2 folding chairs in our living room.

- As stated above, my Mom, Dad and brother are flying into town on Monday!!! All the way from Washington! They are flying in to go to the New Student Conference at my brother's college of choice. I saw my Mom and brother when they flew down here a few months ago, but I haven't seen my Dad in almost 2 years! I am so excited!

- Also, we have had a guest at our house for about a week and a half, with about a week to go. Mr. Red! His mom and dad went on a vacation and he is having an extended play date with us, until their return.

Hi there! Whatcha doing?

Everyone waiting to eat.

Sadie came over to play!

Tug tug tug

Taking a break from the heat!

So tired but still ready to go!

Best friends

- And unfortunately, my blogging maybe even more spars for a while because...... I broke my camera lens. The "glare" in the picture above isn't a glare, it is one of the cracks in the lens protector I had on my camera. Although the lens protector took most of the damage, falling lens down on a tile floor is bound to mess up something. The lens is having trouble focusing and when it finally does "focus" the majority of the picture has a blur to it. But I think the camera body is unharmed, I am taking it to a camera shop soon to see if they can check it out.

Sigh.... so I am in the market for a new lens (or two), Any suggestions??? I have a Nikon D40 and I have a manual 50mm lens (not the one that was broken). I am thinking about selling or trading it in for the auto version. I was looking at getting the same lens, 18-55mm, but with the vibration reduction option. But I am open to any suggestions!